About Us

We provide our local participants with a chance to view and bid on one-of-a-kind items.

Since 1999, Auction Events has held live auction events all over the west coast. We source our fine assets from over 50 different sources, including: Numerous worldwide estates, liquidations, and consignments. This means that you have a chance to own the painting, necklace, or memorabilia of your dreams for far below its market value. Our highly entertaining and experienced auctioneers have an extraordinary amount of knowledge about every single piece in our collection. It is our goal to make your auction experience a memorable one.

Auction Events is locally owned and operated and has been intimately involved in the California art community for decades. Coming from a family of art enthusiasts, the team at Auction Events was inspired to promote the collection and appreciation of art by creating a one-of-a-kind auction environment.

“By bringing together those who are passionate about the arts, a great opportunity is created. Not only can we give anyone the chance to add a timeless piece to their own collection, but we can also effectively raise funding for great causes.”

With deep ties to the community and strong partnerships with some of the best gemologists in the world, Auction Events has become one of the leading auction houses on the west coast. We are dedicated to making sure that every customer is satisfied with and proud of the incredible items that they take home from each event.

Art is for everyone.

From the very beginning we’ve acted on this tenet, making art accessible in price and in its acquisition. We strive to present our auctions in an atmosphere that’s fun, entertaining and worth returning to on the merit of that alone.

The other side to our business model is Home Content Auctions. We help people obtain high quality pre-cherished household items – from the car to antique furniture – at a fraction of store prices.

Our auctions are laid back but our commitment to professionalism is renown. We love what we do and we’ll go to exceptional lengths to ensure your experience and your purchase are completely satisfying.

All auctions, whether they’re for fine art, household items, real estate, livestock or even old farm machinery, are about entertainment as much as they are about buying and selling. Everyone who attends should leave feeling that they’ve had a great time and got value for money.


              RON VARS                       PATRICK NEPOMUCENO                SHERRY CHIONG                          KAREN DUQUE